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Institut des Sciences des Plantes de Paris-Saclay

Tutelles >
Université Paris Sud
UFR de rattachement >
UFR Sciences du Vivant
Label unité >
UMR 9213
Partenaires >
Université Paris Diderot


Son objectif est d’assurer la qualité et la pérennité des activités de recherche et d’enseignement du Campus de Paris-Saclay, dans le domaine des Sciences du Végétal, afin de maintenir un haut niveau au rang national et sur le plan international

Les recherches menées à IPS2 se concentreront sur l’analyse de la croissance et du développement de plantes modèles et sur le transfert du fruit de ces recherches vers les espèces cultivées, l’agriculture et les innovations


Thèmes de recherche

Researches at ISV overall aim at understanding the molecular mechanisms involved in plant development and growth, and the modulation of these processes by endogenous (e.g. hormones) or exogenous factors of both biotic (bacteria, viruses) and abiotic (osmotic and water-related stresses) origins.
Molecular, biochemical, biophysical, cellular and genetic approaches are developed to study these mechanisms and integrate them within a continuum of scales that range from sub-cellular compartments to the cell, and from the organs to the whole plant interacting with its environment. Around this central theme, three main axes cover cell compartmentation, development and hormone signaling, and plant-microbe interactions.
Most investigations involve the model systems Arabidopsis thaliana and Medicago truncatula.

Objectives : To decipher the mechanisms controlling plant development and adaptation to environmental constraints.

Methods :

♦ Greenhouses and growth chambers for plant culture (including S2 and S3 confinement for genetically modified plants)
♦ Imaging and cell biology platform (IFR 87 and Imagif-FRC3115) (epifluorescence and confocal microscopy, transmission electronic microscopy, flow cytometry, optical microsurgery and micromanipulation)
♦ Protein biochemistry (HPLC, FPLC, 2D electrophoresis)
♦ Electrophysiology (patch-clamp, voltage-clamp)
♦ Two ISV research teams serve as support teams for platforms of the Imagif facility (http://www.imagif.cnrs.fr/):  the team of B. Satiat-Jeunemaitre for the platforms of Microscopy (photonic and electronic) and Cytometry, and the team of C. Giglione for the Service of Identification and Characterization of Proteins by Mass Spectrometry.

Equipes de recherche

Dpt. Physiology & Signalling
Team 1 : G. NOCTOR (PR): Oxidative Stress, redox signalling and Chromatin
Team 2 :J. COLCOMBET (CR): Stress Signalling
Team 3 :M. HODGES (DR): Signalling, regulation and metabolic Interactions

Dpt. Development
Team 4 :FRUGIER (DR): Signaling pathways controlling legume root system development
Team 5 :M. CRESPI (DR): Regulatory non-coding RNAs in root plasticity
Team 6 :M. BENHAMED (MC) / C. RAYNAUD (CR): Cell Cycle Chromatin and Development
Team 7 :A. BENDAHMANE (DR): Flower and Carpel Development

Dpt. Biotic Interactions/ Interaction biotique:
Team 8 :M. DUFRESNE (PR): Functional Genomics of cereal-pathogen interactions
Team 9 :V. GEFFROY (DR): Genome Dynamics and Pathogen Resistance
Team 10 :P. RATET (DR): Genetic Control of the symbiosis
Team 11 :C. LURIN (DR): Organellar Gene Expression
Team 12 :ML. MARTIN-MAGNIETTE (DR): Genomic Networks


Plateforme Interactomique

Plateforme Métabolomique

Plateforme Transcriptomique

Biologie Translationnelle

Autres contacts

Bâtiment 630, rue de Noetzlin
Plateau du Moulon

91190 - Gif-sur-Yvette





rue de Noetzlin Plateau du Moulon - bât. 630
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