Variabilité Génétique et Maladies Humaines
Les objectifs généraux du programme de recherche de l’UMR-946 sont :
- d'identifier les facteurs génétiques impliqués dans les maladies humaines
- de comprendre les mécanismes d'action de ces gènes
- de caractériser les autres facteurs (environnementaux, mode de vie...) qui peuvent moduler l’effet des gènes sur la maladie.
Ce programme s'articule autour de 2 thématiques principales et complémentaires :
- Méthodologie Statistique en Génétique Epidémiologique
- Etudes de Génétique Epidémiologique de Maladies Multifactorielles
Au total, le programme de recherche de l' UMR-946 est conçu pour répondre aux nouveaux défis posés par les avancées sans cesse croissantes dans les technologies de génotypage et de séquençage et de la biologie à grande échelle afin de progresser vers une approche de biologie des systèmes des maladies.
Thèmes de recherche
1. Méthodologie Statistique en Génétique Epidémiologique
Les objectifs de nos développements méthodologiques sont :
- de prendre en compte les mécanismes complexes impliqués dans les maladies multifactorielles :
interactions GènexGène, GènexEnvironnement, pléiotropie, hétérogénéité génétique…
- d’étendre les méthodes basées sur la consanguinité pour faciliter l’identification des gènes
- de permettre l’étude d'un large spectre de variabilité génétique
- d’intégrer les données de la biologie à grande échelle (génomique, transcriptomique, épigenomique,…)
2. Etudes de Génétique Epidémiologique de Maladies Multifactorielles
Nos études de génétique épidémiologique sont principalement ciblées sur l'asthme, les maladies allergiques et les cancers. Ces études reposent sur de grandes collections de données que nous avons recueillies pour divers cancers (mélanome, cancer du poumon, cancer des voies aérodigestives supérieures, cancer de la vessie) ou auxquelles notre unité est étroitement associée (comme l’Etude épidémiologique des facteurs Génétiques et Environnementaux de l’asthme (EGEA). Ces études intègrent des études d'association pangénomique et des approches de biologie à grande échelle appliquées à de nombreux phénotypes associés aux maladies. Ces études sont menées dans un cadre pluridisciplinaire et dans un contexte de nombreuses collaborations nationales, européennes et internationales.
Les principaux objectifs de ces études sont :
- d’identifier de nouveaux gènes et des interactions gène-environnement impliqués dans ces maladies
- de mieux comprendre les mécanismes moléculaires qui sous-tendent le processus pathologique
- de traduire les résultats de la recherche en applications médicales
[hal-01872256] DNA methylation within melatonin receptor 1A (MTNR1A) mediates paternally transmitted genetic variant effect on asthma plus rhinitis
Date: 11 Sep 2018 - 18:44
Desc: BACKGROUND: Asthma and allergic rhinitis (AR) are common allergic comorbidities with a strong genetic component in which epigenetic mechanisms might be involved. OBJECTIVE: We aimed to identify novel risk loci for asthma and AR while accounting for parent-of-origin effect. METHODS: We performed a series of genetic analyses, taking into account the parent-of-origin effect in families ascertained through asthma: (1) genome-wide linkage scan of asthma and AR in 615 European families, (2) association analysis with 1233 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) covering the significant linkage region in 162 French Epidemiological Study on the Genetics and Environment of Asthma families with replication in 154 Canadian Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean asthma study families, and (3) association analysis of disease and significant SNPs with DNA methylation (DNAm) at CpG sites in 40 Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean asthma study families. RESULTS: We detected a significant paternal linkage of the 4q35 region to asthma and allergic rhinitis comorbidity (AAR; P = 7.2 × 10(-5)). Association analysis in this region showed strong evidence for the effect of the paternally inherited G allele of rs10009104 on AAR (P = 1.1 × 10(-5), reaching the multiple-testing corrected threshold). This paternally inherited allele was also significantly associated with DNAm levels at the cg02303933 site (P = 1.7 × 10(-4)). Differential DNAm at this site was found to mediate the identified SNP-AAR association. CONCLUSION: By integrating genetic and epigenetic data, we identified that a differentially methylated CpG site within the melatonin receptor 1A (MTNR1A) gene mediates the effect of a paternally transmitted genetic variant on the comorbidity of asthma and AR. This study provides a novel insight into the role of epigenetic mechanisms in patients with allergic respiratory diseases.
[inserm-00742635] Associations between nitric oxide synthase genes and exhaled NO-related phenotypes according to asthma status.
Date: 16 Oct 2012 - 18:06
Desc: BACKGROUND: The nitric oxide (NO) pathway is involved in asthma, and eosinophils participate in the regulation of the NO pool in pulmonary tissues. We investigated associations between single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) of NO synthase genes (NOS) and biological NO-related phenotypes measured in two compartments (exhaled breath condensate and plasma) and blood eosinophil counts. METHODOLOGY: SNPs (N = 121) belonging to NOS1, NOS2 and NOS3 genes were genotyped in 1277 adults from the French Epidemiological study on the Genetics and Environment of Asthma (EGEA). Association analyses were conducted on four quantitative phenotypes: the exhaled fraction of NO (Fe(NO)), plasma and exhaled breath condensate (EBC) nitrite-nitrate levels (NO2-NO3) and blood eosinophils in asthmatics and non-asthmatics separately. Genetic heterogeneity of these phenotypes between asthmatics and non-asthmatics was also investigated. PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: In non-asthmatics, after correction for multiple comparisons, we found significant associations of Fe(NO) levels with three SNPs in NOS3 and NOS2 (P ≤ 0.002), and of EBC NO2-NO3 level with NOS2 (P = 0.002). In asthmatics, a single significant association was detected between Fe(NO) levels and one SNP in NOS3 (P = 0.004). Moreover, there was significant heterogeneity of NOS3 SNP effect on Fe(NO) between asthmatics and non-asthmatics (P = 0.0002 to 0.005). No significant association was found between any SNP and NO2-NO3 plasma levels or blood eosinophil counts. CONCLUSIONS: Variants in NO synthase genes influence Fe(NO) and EBC NO2-NO3 levels in adults. These genetic determinants differ according to asthma status. Significant associations were only detected for exhaled phenotypes, highlighting the critical relevance to have access to specific phenotypes measured in relevant biological fluid.
[hal-00595822] Epidemiologic study of the genetics and environment of asthma, bronchial hyperresponsiveness, and atopy.
Date: 25 Mayo 2011 - 17:09
Desc: [...]
[inserm-00744485] Mold allergen sensitization in adult asthma according to integrin β3 polymorphisms and Toll-like receptor 2/+596 genotype.
Date: 23 Oct 2012 - 13:34
Desc: BACKGROUND: Integrin β3 (ITGB3) and Toll-like receptor 2 (TLR2) are candidate genes for asthma and sensitization to mold allergens. Integrin β3 forms a complex with TLR2, and this biological interaction is required for the response of monocytes to TLR2 agonists such as fungal glucan. OBJECTIVE: To study whether genetic interaction between single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in genes encoding the TLR2-ITGB3 complex enhances susceptibility to mold sensitization. METHODS: Association analysis was conducted in 1243 adults (524 with asthma) who participated in the follow-up of the Epidemiological Study on the Genetics and Environment of Asthma. Allergic sensitization to mold allergens was determined by skin prick testing. Association of mold sensitization with 14 ITGB3 SNPs was tested under an additive genetic model. Interaction between ITGB3 SNPs and TLR2/+596, which was previously shown to be associated with asthma, was studied. RESULTS: A positive skin prick test to mold was found in 115 subjects with asthma (22.0%) and in 61 subjects without asthma (8.5%). The ITGB3 rs2056131 A allele was associated with mold sensitization in subjects with asthma with an odds ratio (95% CI) of 0.60 (0.43-0.83; P = .001). Ten other ITGB3 SNPs were significantly associated with mold sensitization in TLR2/+596TT subjects with asthma (P = .03-.002), whereas much weaker associations were found in carriers of the TLR2/+596 C allele (P = .60-.04). Interaction between TLR2/+596 and these ITGB3 SNPs was statistically significant (P interaction = .05-.001). CONCLUSION: TLR2/+596 genotype may influence the association between ITGB3 SNPs and mold sensitization in adults with asthma.
[inserm-00464610] 17q21 variants modify the association between early respiratory infections and asthma.
Date: 17 Mar 2010 - 15:44
Desc: Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) at chromosome 17q21 confer an increased risk of early-onset asthma. The objective was to study whether 17q21 SNPs modify associations between early respiratory infections and asthma. Association analysis was conducted in 499 children (268 with asthma, median age 11 yrs) from the Epidemiological Study on the Genetics and Environment of Asthma (EGEA). The 12-yr follow-up data were used to assess persistent or remittent asthma in young adulthood. Respiratory infection before 2 yrs of age was assessed retrospectively. For the 12 17q21 SNPs studied, the odds ratios (OR) for association between infection and early-onset asthma (age at onset
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