Matériaux et Phénomènes Quantiques
Le laboratoire Matériaux et Phénomènes Quantiques (MPQ) est une unité mixte de recherche (UMR 7162) du CNRS et de l’Université Paris Diderot, installée sur le campus de Paris Rive Gauche. Elle est composée d’environ 120 personnes au total dont 51 permanent.e.s.
Le laboratoire est spécialisé dans l’étude des matériaux quantiques de frontière et dans le développement de dispositifs quantiques innovants. Ces activités reposent sur un large spectre de compétences théoriques et expérimentales alliant la physique des matériaux, le transport et l’optique, et des plateformes technologiques de salle blanche, de spectroscopie et de microscopie électronique haute résolution.
Les activités de recherche du laboratoire MPQ se déclinent selon les thèmes suivants :
- nouveaux matériaux à l’échelle nano : nanoparticules, nanocristaux, nanotubes fonctionnalisés, matériaux multiferroïques, etc.
- nouveaux états de la matière : fluides quantiques de lumière, couplage ultra-fort en cavité, supraconducteurs non-conventionnels, systèmes fortement corrélés, phases topologiques, etc.
- systèmes nano-optiques innovants : optomécanique, nanophotonique non-linéaire, nanoplasmonique, etc.
- ingénierie quantique et information quantique : composants optoélectroniques quantiques, circuits photoniques quantiques, ions piégés, matériaux et composants hybrides organique/inorganique, ingénierie des surfaces/interfaces.
Les projets actuels du laboratoire incluent le développement de nouvelles sondes pour l’étude des matériaux quantiques, comme la spectroscopie Raman résolue en temps, la microscopie AFM opto-mécanique et la microscopie tunnel sous excitation optique. Réciproquement, les matériaux de frontière sont mis à profit pour la réalisation de nouvelles fonctionnalités dans des senseurs optomécaniques, des circuits photoniques non-linéaires et quantiques, ou encore dans des expériences de transport mésoscopique en cavité optique.
[hal-04277433] Unravelling Kinetic and Thermodynamic Effects on the Growth of Gold Nanoplates by Liquid Transmission Electron Microscopy
Date: 9 11 月 2023 - 14:53
Desc: [...]
[hal-02365398] Comprehensive optical losses investigation of VLSI Silicon optomechanical ring resonator sensors
Date: 15 11 月 2019 - 13:35
Desc: [...]
[hal-02362696] A magnetic phase diagram for nanoscale epitaxial BiFeO3 films
Date: 14 11 月 2019 - 08:52
Desc: BiFeO3 thin films have attracted considerable attention by virtue of their potential application in low-energy spintronic and magnonic devices. BiFeO3 possesses an intricate magnetic structure, characterized by a spin cycloid with period ~62 nm that governs the functional magnonic response, and which can be modulated or even destroyed by strain, magnetic and electric fields, or chemical doping. Literature on (110)-oriented BiFeO3 films is not explicit in defining the conditions under which this cycloid persists, as its presence depends on synthesis method and thin film boundary conditions, especially in the sub-100 nm thickness regime. This report aims to end 'trial and error' approaches in determining the conditions under which this cycloid and its associated functional magnonic response exist. We show that in specific crystallographic orientations of epitaxial BiFeO3, an unexplored strain parameter-the distortion in the ab plane of the monoclinic unit cell-significantly influences the spin structure. Combining Mössbauer spectroscopy and low energy Raman spectroscopy with first-principles-based effective Hamiltonian calculations, we show that both average strain and this distortion destroy the cycloid. For films grown on (110) oriented SrTiO3 substrates, if the BiFeO3 lattice parameters a and b differ by more than about 1.2 %, the cycloid is destabilized, resulting in a pseudo-collinear magnetic order ground state. We are thereby able to construct a phase diagram of the spin structure for nanoscale epitaxial BiFeO3 films which aims to resolve long-standing literature inconsistencies and provides powerful guidelines for the design of future magnonic and spintronic devices.
[hal-01963015] Comprehensive optical losses investigation of VLSI Silicon optomechanical ring resonator sensors
Date: 21 12 月 2018 - 09:27
Desc: Cavity optomechanics devices are leading edge candidates for a new generation of sensors both in the quantum and classical realms. Several single devices have been demonstrated in numerous labs, however large-scale integration capability necessary for industrial deployment is still an issue. In this paper, we present very-large-scale integrated (VLSI) optomechanical sensors fabricated from standard 200 mm Silicon-On-Insulator (SOI) wafers. Optical properties over a statistically significant sample size have been systematically investigated and show an excellent modeling to experiment agreement, a coupling parameter dispersion of 7% and a manufacturing yield larger than 98%. Controlled versatile sensors, such as these, could easily be embedded in any chip where mass or force sensing is needed.
[hal-01908666] [Invited] MEMS-based atomic force microscopy probes: from electromechanical to optomechanical vibrating sensors
Date: 30 10 月 2018 - 13:49
Desc: Scanning probe microscopy has been one of the most important instrumental discoveries during the last quarter of the last century. In particular, atomic force microscopy (AFM) is a cross-disciplinary technique able to provide sample morphology down to the atomic scale. It offers invaluable tools to support the development of nano-sciences, information technologies, micro-nanotechnologies and nano-biology. For more than 20 years, boosting the scan rate of AFM has been an increasingly important challenge of the community. However still today, performing routine and user-friendly AFM experiments at video rate remains unreachable in most cases. The conventional AFM probe based on a micro-sized vibrating cantilever is the major obstacle in terms of bandwidth and resonance frequency.Following a brief description of the context of the work, the talk will first describe the development of AFM probes based on MEMS devices that make use of ring-shaped microresonators vibrating above 10 MHz. A focus will be dedicated to the electrical detection scheme. Based on capacitive transduction and microwave reflectometry, it achieves a displacement resolution of 1E-15 m/√Hz, allowing the measurement of the thermomechanical vibration of the MEMS AFM probes in air. Imaging capability obtained on DNA origamis samples at a frame rate greater than 1 image/s will be shown as well as investigation of block copolymer surfaces to elucidate the tip-surface interaction when vibration amplitudes are lower than 100 pm.In the following, our recent research direction at the convergence of the fields of micro/nanosystems and VLSI optomechanics on silicon chips will be presented. Optomechanical resonators allow indeed overcoming the resolution limitation imposed by usual electromechanical transduction schemes. Here, we will introduce fully optically driven and sensed optomechanical AFM probes which resonance frequency is above 100 MHz and Brownian motion below 1E-16 m/√Hz, paving the way for high-Speed AFM operation with exquisite resolutions at sub-angstrom vibration amplitudes.
Autres contacts
Université Paris Diderot - Paris 7
U.F.R. Physique
Bâtiment Condorcet
10, rue Alice Domon et Léonie Duquet
75205 PARIS CEDEX 13