A new world-class university in Paris
Université de Paris will be created in 2019 out of the merger of the universities of Paris Descartes and Paris Diderot, as well as of the integration of the IPGP.
It will rely on the excellence of both the research impact and academic leadership of its founding institutions, as well as on the quality of its partnerships with EHESP, FMSH, Inalco, Sciences Po, Université Paris 13, Sorbonne Nouvelle and the CNRS, Ined, Inria, Inserm, IRD national research organizations."
Marc Chaussidon (director of Institut de physique du globe de Paris - IPGP), Christine Clerici (presidente of Paris Diderot), Frédéric Dardel (president of Paris Descartes) :
"Our ambition is to create a world-class research-intensive university with the help of the Excellence Initiative programme."
Our new intensive research university will be recognized worldwide:
- for its cutting-edge research, from the exact and experimental sciences to the human and social sciences
- for its established interdisciplinary approach to the study of major societal issues
- as a major research and teaching centre in health sciences, open to other disciplines, unique in France and a leader in Europe
- for its internationally recognised institute in earth and universe sciences
- for being a "learning university" that promotes innovative pedagogies, the student experience and societal engagement
The other members (*) of USPC will establish privileged partnerships based on collaborative research projects and academic programmes, particularly on major challenges of shared interest such as:
- Area Studies and Global Studies
- Public Health
- Governance of modern societies
- Digital transition
(*) Université Sorbonne Nouvelle-Paris 3, Université Paris 13, École des Hautes Études en Santé Publique (EHESP), Fondation Maison des sciences de l’homme (FMSH), Sciences Po et Inalco, membres de USPC, and ENSAPVS associated to université Paris Diderot.
About the project
Goals, key figures, calendar and method, see the project website: www.universiteparis2019.fr/en
Siège d'Université de Paris C’est dans le bâtiment classé aux Monuments historiques du 12 rue de l’École de Médecine dans le 6e arrondissement, que se situe le siège de l’Université de Paris. Une implantation stratégique au cœur de la capitale qui participe au rayonnement international de l’établissement. En savoir plus sur l’histoire du 12 rue de l’École de Médecine. |
Puissance scientifique
La future université entrera dans le top 50 de Shanghai, avec au moins 8 disciplines dans le top 50, dont 4 dans le top 25.
Les étudiants 61 000 étudiants dont 10 546 étudiants internationaux 21 écoles doctorales 5% des doctorats délivrés en France Les personnels 4 500 chercheurs et enseignants-chercheurs, dont près de 1 500 chercheurs permanents des organismes de recherche 3 000 personnels administratifs et techniques |