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Unit of Functional and Adaptive Biology

Tutelles >
Université Paris Diderot, CNRS
UFR de rattachement >
UFR Sciences du Vivant
Label unité >
UMR 8251
Partenaires >


Objectives : Current research topics include four main scientific domains (nutrition, degenerative pathologies and aging, reproduction, toxicology) in order to better understand human pathologies through the development of relevant preclinical models.

Methods : Investigations are conducted on different animal and transgenic mouse models as well as on human tissues and cells. They rely on a wide array of methodologies ranging from non-invasive analysis of physiological parameters to cellular, biochemical or molecular approaches.

Thèmes de recherche

  • Nutrition
  • Reproduction
  • Degenerative Pathologies and Aging
  • Toxicology


Equipes de recherche

  • Nutrition :

Team 1 : Jamileh Movassat (Biology and Pathology of the Endocrine Pancreas (B2PE)

Team 2 : Christophe Magnan (Regulation of Glucose Homeostasis by Nervous System - REGLYS)

Team 5 : Serge Luquet (Central Control of Feeding Behaviour and Energy Expenditure)

  • Reproduction :

Team 3 : Joëlle Cohen-Tannoudji (Physiology of the Gonadotrope Axis (PAG))

  • Degenerative Pathologies and Aging :

Team 4 : Patrick Vicart/Ana Ferreiro (Physiopathology of Striated Muscle)

Team 7 : Hervé Tricoire (Degenerative Processes, Stress and Aging)

  • Toxicology :

Team 6 : Jean-Marie Dupret (Molecular and Cellular Responses to Xenobiotics (RMCX))


"Unité BFA : du projet à l’UMR, une adaptation réussie", publié le 19 mars 2015

Autres contacts

Directeur : Jean-Marie DUPRET

Responsable administrative : Françoise CONTAMINA


4, rue Marie-Andrée Lagroua Weill-Hallé Bâtiment Buffon
75013 PARIS
Domaines de recherche >
Compétences >