Laboratoire Interuniversitaire des Systèmes Atmosphériques
Le LISA, Laboratoire Interuniversitaire des Systèmes Atmosphériques est une unité de recherche de structure originale dépendant des Universités Paris Est Créteil et Paris Diderot, et du CNRS (UMR CNRS 7583).
Le LISA compte environ 130 personnes, dont 50 enseignants-chercheurs et chercheurs (CNRS & IRD), 36 ITA-IATOS et environ 45 post-doctorants, doctorants et étudiants de Master.
Il dispose d'un important potentiel technique et expérimental réparti sur 3.600m2 de locaux à Créteil et d'une antenne opérationnelle sur le site Paris Rive Gauche, incluant aussi des équipements lourds. Les recherches y sont développées autour d’un thème générale : l’Atmosphère (comme le nom du laboratoire l’indique), Ses principaux thèmes de recherche portent ainsi sur la compréhension du fonctionnement des atmosphères terrestres et planétaires, et des impacts liés à la modification de la composition de l'atmosphère par les activités humaines. Les méthodes utilisées sont fondées sur des observations en atmosphère réelle, sur de la simulation expérimentale en laboratoire et de la modélisation numérique.
Pour mener à bien ces recherches, le LISA regroupe des scientifiques de plusieurs disciplines : physiciens, géochimistes, environnementalistes et une majorité de chimistes. Ce dernier aspect est une de ses caractéristiques importantes par rapport aux autres laboratoires du domaine. Un département technique (doté de 4 pôles : chimie, instrumentation, terrain et informatique) et un département administratif sont en soutien des activités de recherche.
Thèmes de recherche
- Pollution atmosphérique Oxydante et Particulaire
- Devenir du Carbone Organique
- Cycle de l’Aérosol Désertique
- Spectroscopie et Atmosphères
- Exobiologie et Astrochimie
[hal-01198723] Multiethnic genome-wide association study of cerebral white matter hyperintensities on MRI.
Date: 14 Sep 2015 - 12:52
Desc: The burden of cerebral white matter hyperintensities (WMH) is associated with an increased risk of stroke, dementia, and death. WMH are highly heritable, but their genetic underpinnings are incompletely characterized. To identify novel genetic variants influencing WMH burden, we conducted a meta-analysis of multiethnic genome-wide association studies. We included 21 079 middle-aged to elderly individuals from 29 population-based cohorts, who were free of dementia and stroke and were of European (n=17 936), African (n=1943), Hispanic (n=795), and Asian (n=405) descent. WMH burden was quantified on MRI either by a validated automated segmentation method or a validated visual grading scale. Genotype data in each study were imputed to the 1000 Genomes reference. Within each ethnic group, we investigated the relationship between each single-nucleotide polymorphism and WMH burden using a linear regression model adjusted for age, sex, intracranial volume, and principal components of ancestry. A meta-analysis was conducted for each ethnicity separately and for the combined sample. In the European descent samples, we confirmed a previously known locus on chr17q25 (P=2.7×10(-19)) and identified novel loci on chr10q24 (P=1.6×10(-9)) and chr2p21 (P=4.4×10(-8)). In the multiethnic meta-analysis, we identified 2 additional loci, on chr1q22 (P=2.0×10(-8)) and chr2p16 (P=1.5×10(-8)). The novel loci contained genes that have been implicated in Alzheimer disease (chr2p21 and chr10q24), intracerebral hemorrhage (chr1q22), neuroinflammatory diseases (chr2p21), and glioma (chr10q24 and chr2p16). We identified 4 novel genetic loci that implicate inflammatory and glial proliferative pathways in the development of WMH in addition to previously proposed ischemic mechanisms.
[hal-04689320] The torsional and rotation–torsion spectra of CD2HOH
Date: 5 Sep 2024 - 16:53
Desc: The torsional and rotation–torsion spectra of the doubly deuterated species of methanol CD2HOH have been analyzed using submillimeter wave, terahertz, and far infrared spectra. 101 torsional subbands, with subband centers ranging from 2.3 to 626 cm−1, were assigned. Analysis of these yielded kinetic energy and hindering potential parameters of the torsional Hamiltonian describing the large amplitude internal rotation of the CD2H methyl group with respect to the hydroxyl group. 3271 rotation and rotation–torsion transitions, involving the 24 torsional levels up to with , were assigned and fitted approximating the rotational energy of each torsional level with a Taylor-type expansion in . The rotational structure of 48 torsional subbands involving torsional levels higher than has also been analyzed. In most cases, only the Q branch could be observed and assigned.
[hal-00676422] Historical perspective of heavy metals contamination (Cd, Cr, Cu, Hg, Pb, Zn) in the Seine River basin (France) following a DPSIR approach (1950-2005).
Date: 19 Dec 2014 - 09:35
Desc: The Driver-Pressures-State-Impact-Response approach is applied to heavy metals in the Seine River catchment (65,000 km(2); 14 million people of which 10 million are aggregated within Paris megacity; 30% of French industrial and agricultural production). The contamination pattern at river mouth is established on the particulate material at different time scales: 1930-2000 for floodplain cores, 1980-2003 for suspended particulate matter (SPM) and bed-sediments, 1994-2003 for atmospheric fallout and annual flood deposits. The Seine has been among the most contaminated catchments with maximum contents recorded at 130 mg kg(-1) for Cd, 24 for Hg, 558 for Pb, 1620 for Zn, 347 for Cu, 275 for Cr and 150 for Ni. Today, the average levels for Cd (1.8 mg kg(-1)), Hg (1.08), Pb (108), Zn (370), Cu (99), Cr (123) and Ni (31) are much lower but still in the upper 90% of the global scale distribution (Cr and Ni excepted) and well above the natural background values determined on pre-historical deposits. All metal contents have decreased at least since 1955/65, well before metal emission regulations that started in the mid 1970's and the metal monitoring in the catchment that started in the early 1980's. In the last 20 y, major criteria changes for the management of contaminated particulates (treated urban sludge, agricultural soils, dredged sediments) have occurred. In the mid 1990's, there was a complete shift in the contamination assessment scales, from sediment management and water usage criteria to the good ecological state, now required by the 2000 European Directive. When comparing excess metal outputs, associated to river SPM, to the average metal demand within the catchment from 1950 to 2000, the leakage ratios decrease exponentially from 1950 to 2000 for Cd, Cr, Cu, Pb and Zn, meanwhile, a general increase of the demand is observed: the rate of recycling and/or treatment of metals within the anthroposphere has been improved ten-fold. Hg environmental trajectory is very specific: there is a marked decontamination from 1970 to 2000, but the leakage ratio remains very high (10 to 20%) during this period. Drivers and Pressures are poorly known prior to 1985; State evolution since 1935 has been reconstructed from flood plain cores analysis; Impacts were maximum between 1950 and 1970 but remained unknown due to analytical limitation and lack of awareness. Some Responses are lagging 10 y behind monitoring and have much evolved in the past 10 y.
[hal-01086746] Critical budget of metal sources and pathways in the Seine River basin (1994–2003) for Cd, Cr, Cu, Hg, Ni, Pb and Zn
Date: 24 Nov 2014 - 17:36
Desc: River basin metal pollution originates from heavy industries (plating, automobile) and from urban sources (Paris conurbation: 2740 km2 , 9.47 million inhabitants). The natural sources of metal have been found to be limited due to sedimentary nature of this catchment and to the very low river sediment transport (10 t km − 2 y − 1). Several types of data have been collected to build the metal budget within the whole Seine River basin: field surveys, economical statistics and environmental models. Environmental contamination and related fluxes have been measured on atmospheric fallout, rural streams particles, and Seine River particles upstream and downstream of Paris and at river mouth. Metal pathways and budgets have been set up for (i) a typical cultivated area, (ii) a Paris combined sewer system, (iii) Paris conurbation and (iv) the whole catchment metal retention effect in floodplain and dredged material. Metal fluxes to the estuary have been decomposed into natural, urban domestic and other sources. The latter are within 1–2 orders of magnitude larger than waste water fluxes directly released into rivers according to an industrial census. These fluxes have been further compared to the annual use (1994–2003) of these metals. Metal excess fluxes exported by the river are now a marginal leak of metal inputs to the catchment (i.e. "raw" metals, metals in goods, atmospheric fallout), generally from 0.2 to 5‰. However, due to the very limited dilution power in this basin, the contamination of particles is still relatively high. The Seine River basin is gradually storing metals, mostly in manufactured products used in construction, but also in various waste dumps, industrial soils, agricultural and flood plain soils.
[hal-02417141] Perspective on Mechanism Development and Structure-Activity Relationships for Gas-Phase Atmospheric Chemistry
Date: 18 Dec 2019 - 09:07
Desc: This perspective gives our views on general aspects and future directions of gas‐phase atmospheric chemical kinetic mechanism development, emphasizing on the work needed for the sustainable development of chemically detailed mechanisms that reflect current kinetic, mechanistic, and theoretical knowledge. Current and future mechanism development efforts and research needs are discussed, including software‐aided autogeneration and maintenance of kinetic models as a future‐proof approach for atmospheric model development. There is an overarching need for the evaluation and extension of structure‐activity relationships (SARs) that predict the properties and reactions of the many multifunctionalized compounds in the atmosphere that are at the core of detailed mechanisms, but for which no direct chemical data are available. Here, we discuss the experimental and theoretical data needed to support the development of mechanisms and SARs, the types of SARs relevant to atmospheric chemistry, the current status and limitations of SARs for various types of atmospheric reactions, the status of thermochemical estimates needed for mechanism development, and our outlook for the future. The authors have recently formed a SAR evaluation working group to address these issues.
Autres contacts
Direction du LISA
Maison des Sciences de l’Environnement 4ème étage
UPEC Campus Centre
61, avenue du Général de Gaulle